Full Testimonials

Most participants of the Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program and the Holistic Trauma Healing Program want to remain anonymous for their safety and integrity…especially the ones still dealing with a narcissist. All reviews are authentic; however, some names are not.  The testimonials in the slider share their true identities.

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When I started the program, I was facing several challenges, including having recently left an abusive relationship. I was still dealing with anxiety and struggling with sleep. It was a hard time for me.

The anxiety was overwhelming, and I kept receiving triggering messages from my ex, which kept me on edge, often sending me into a fight-or-flight mode. I found it difficult to even know where to start processing my trauma, and I really wanted more ways to calm and ground my nervous system. I was also concerned about whether I could focus during the meditations because it’s sometimes hard for me to concentrate.

Another worry I had was about being judged in the focus group. I wasn’t sure I’d feel comfortable enough to share in a group setting. But that wasn’t the case at all—everyone was so supportive. The lessons were easy to follow, and after dedicating time to the meditations and somatic exercises, I found them incredibly helpful.

Going through the program, I really appreciated the variety of exercises, and the guided meditations, in particular, stood out for me. I was especially impressed by the pace of the lectures and how comforting it was to see others facing similar challenges. We worked through different things together, and it created a sense of community.

The concerns I had when I started didn’t end up being an issue. While it was difficult to revisit and unpack some of the trauma, journaling about it helped me process my experiences, especially with the insights I gained from the lectures.

The narcissistic abuse recovery course has been truly transformative for me. The combination of insightful lectures, somatic therapies, and guided meditations helped me reconnect with my body and emotions in ways I never thought possible. I loved how the course balanced practical tools with space for reflection and personal growth. The supportive environment, including the weekly support group with Ami and the community, made me feel safe and understood throughout my journey.

The somatic practices were particularly impactful, helping me release tension and trauma that talk therapy alone hadn’t been able to touch. After each session, I felt lighter and more grounded. This course has played a pivotal role in my healing journey. I especially enjoyed the guided meditations. The weekly materials were thoughtfully designed, and they helped me process past trauma through working with my emotions. I feel this experience will help me become more resilient in the long run.

The journal prompts were insightful, and the daily commitment was both manageable and rewarding. By the end of the program, I noticed a significant shift in how I handled my emotions, and I felt a stronger sense of the healing I needed to move forward. I highly recommend this course to anyone seeking emotional healing and self-discovery. The tools and techniques I learned are invaluable for building emotional resilience and gaining a deeper understanding of oneself. I plan to continue using what I’ve learned as I move forward on my healing journey. – Therez

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Before I started the Intensive Holistic Trauma Healing program, my anxiety and fear levels were chaotic. As the program progressed, I discovered which techniques worked best for me, and I applied them regularly (I still use them—there’s a long way to go), which allowed me to experience moments of peace that I hadn’t felt in a long time. By being in a state of inner serenity, it becomes possible to communicate love and acceptance toward ourselves. Each time I find myself in that space, I speak to myself to integrate serenity more deeply, so that it becomes ever more present in my life, even in challenging situations.

When I began the program, I didn’t have high expectations and was worried about facing criticism. However, I soon realized that the people I met were going through the same experiences as me, and I found an absence of criticism. Whenever someone shared their experiences of narcissistic trauma, it was met with gentleness and empathy.

My healing is ongoing. In the meantime, after losing many people during my narcissistic relationship, new people are appearing in my life with whom I feel in tune, and I’ve regained the ability to recognize who I don’t want to be around. Verbal expression, the ability to say what I feel, is gradually returning. It was worth it for me to be part of the program, and I will continue to use the suggested techniques. I’ve also gained greater clarity about narcissism and how it’s present in many cultures around the world.

Thank you, Ami, for the program, your love, and your support. – Zélia

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Before starting the narcissistic abuse healing program, I had been in a long-term cohabitation and marriage, and for years I suspected that something was seriously wrong with my husband’s reactions and behavior patterns. I had spent a long time reading and searching for explanations, trying to find similarities between his behavior and the many psychological diagnoses out there. It wasn’t until I stumbled upon a video by Amy Elsius that described the symptoms of narcissism that it became clear to me what I was dealing with.

Up until this point, I had been focusing on my health, which had deteriorated so badly that I could no longer work as much as before. For two years, I had been receiving treatment for chronic pain, without realizing that it was a direct result of what I had been subjected to for so many years. I had been feeling anxious, restless, insecure, exhausted, and terribly lonely, without understanding the connection. It never crossed my mind that I was dealing with trauma and ongoing psychological abuse. When I started the program, it was such a relief to shift the focus from these overwhelming emotions and finally start looking at what I could do to help myself feel better.

The program has given me more knowledge about what my inner turmoil and these symptoms truly mean, and it has confirmed that my reactions are rational based on what I have been through—and am still going through. The exercises provided have helped reduce my internal stress, and I have been able to work on how this stress, caused by years of psychological abuse, has manifested in my body. I feel calmer, stronger, and almost ready to take the step of leaving the relationship. I’ve sought professional help and started conversations with a psychologist, which feels like a big step forward.

Reading about other people’s challenges similar to mine, asking questions, and getting answers has been incredibly important for me. It gave me a sense of safety, knowing I wasn’t alone in this. Learning about trauma and understanding how it settles in the body has been a game changer. The knowledge I’ve gained has normalized my feelings and helped me understand my physical reactions.

I had very few expectations going into this program and approached it with an open mind. I’ve been thoroughly impressed with how the platform is structured. It took me a little time to understand how to navigate certain aspects, but once I got the hang of it, it became much easier. I particularly appreciated the option to print out the exercises and really dive into the material. I’ve learned so much about myself in this process. It required me to turn inward and understand who I really am and, even more importantly, who I want to be.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to attend the group meetings because my husband was suspicious of what I was doing, as we still live together. I regret not being able to engage in those conversations, as I think it would have been incredibly valuable to talk to Ami and the others. However, I have connected with several people from the group and even made a friend I now talk to regularly on Facebook. The sense of community and hearing how others have navigated similar situations has been invaluable to me.

If you are hesitant about joining this program, I would say it’s a golden opportunity to get to know yourself, understand your patterns, and learn why you react the way you do. You can take things at your own pace, rewatch the content as needed, and increase your knowledge of trauma and how it manifests in the body. Even though some exercises are challenging or perhaps intimidating, you come out of the experience as a better version of yourself. I wouldn’t hesitate to join another round of the program.

I am eternally grateful to Ami for letting me be part of this ❤️

Hugs from Solvei

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I was separated from my husband and going through psychotherapy after discovering he was a narcissist. I was having panic attacks, couldn’t sleep more than 3 hours, and spent my days ruminating, feeling desperate, angry, sad, and fearful.

After completing the program, there have been huge changes. The guided meditations helped me the most by allowing me to connect with my senses and body, soothing my anxiety, and teaching me how to calm myself whenever it returns. Now, I know how to manage it. The lessons helped me realize and understand what I’ve been through and what I’m still going through. The somatic exercises were incredibly effective as well; they simply made me feel better.

At the beginning, I didn’t know exactly what to expect, other than meeting other victims of narcissistic abuse. The experience turned out to be overwhelmingly positive. I learned so many ways to connect with my body and senses, and that has brought moments of peace that I never expected.

To anyone hesitating about starting or continuing their healing journey through this program, I would say: Don’t think twice! Just try it, you will gain way more than you expect.

I really appreciated Ami’s support and presence throughout the entire program—it was reassuring knowing that she was there for us every step of the way.

Thank you so much. Luisa

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I was struggling with severe anxiety and difficulty processing my past. I wasn’t sure if the program could help or whether it would genuinely be holistic and cover all aspects of my life and my situation. I had tried many courses and programs before and, being highly critical, I often gave up on them before completion. I usually find things to criticize or areas where they fall short. However, with this program, I was left pleasantly surprised. It was so comprehensive and well-planned that there was nothing I could attack. For the first time, I felt like I had found something that truly resonated with me, and I stuck with it until the end.

The changes I experienced were significant. I really felt like my anxiety lessened, became more manageable, and overall, I felt much better. The guided meditations and exercises helped me to control my anxiety in a way I hadn’t been able to before.

If anyone is hesitant about starting this program, I would strongly suggest they give it a try. You can’t know if it will help until you experience it for yourself, and in my case, it was a very positive experience. There’s nothing harmful about it—it can only help. I wouldn’t change anything because, although I’m not an expert, I couldn’t imagine organizing it any better. 😊🥰 – Nella

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Testimonial for Ami Elsius

“I recommend Ami because she eats the food that she cooks. She has tried the strategies and techniques that she is sharing. In contrast to me, that’s a clinical psychologist; I have not tried most of the techniques I recommend. I have read them in a book and done a workshop, whilst Ami has applied them in her own life. That’s a great strength.”

Samuel West – Clinical Psychologist

Marina Testimonial Ami Elsius Life Coach Spiritual Mentor Teacher TheAmiEffect

“When I meet Ami, I feel this strength, power, energy, zest for life and joy from her, even though she has been through such terrible things, and is still going through, she knows what life is about and she can convey it and understands other people. It is above all Ami’s nature that inspires me, how she goes her own way, has so much experience, is curious, powerful and strong, so broad-minded and empathetic and really wants to help others and continue to develop herself, she simply does not give up. I’m sure she will inspire many people, just by her presence and appearance. The way she meets people is so warm, nice and lovely that you feel confident that it’s ok, it’s going to be fine, that there is a way out.”

Marina Daleborn – Dental Hygienist


Roberto Testimonial Ami Elsius Life Coach Spiritual Mentor Teacher TheAmiEffect

“I have known Ami Elsius for many years and it has really touched me how she managed to cope, even for a long time and at times particularly difficult experiences, as a mother, worker and woman. A story of suffering and deep pain due to serious injustices, abuse and mental violence that Ami has managed to face with courage, clarity and without ever losing her smile and positivity that has always made her look forward and overcome life’s trials. Her journey has been truly extraordinary and I believe her direct experience can help many people who are tested by life, not to fall into despair, desperation, anxiety or stress and to identify methods, attitudes, behaviors, techniques to create a positive inner balance and meet each challenge in the best way.”

Roberto Grossi – Founder of Federculture, Cultural Director & Professor at the University of Florence.

Sabina Testimonial Ami Elsius Life Coach Spiritual Mentor Teacher TheAmiEffect

“I have never felt safe with psychologists who do not have proper life experience, but only base their practice on what they have studied. Because I didn’t feel understood, I got blocked inside and I ran away. Because Ami knows what it’s like to experience the worst, she understands what it’s like and expresses genuine empathy. Since I have seen how she time and time again, year after year, has managed to be strong, positive and peaceful no matter what she is exposed to, I can say that if anyone, she knows how to do it. It is Ami who has inspired me to start healing and gain self-awareness and thanks to her I have dared to start looking at, feeling and expressing emotions related to strong traumas that I have been through.”

Sabina Manci – Restaurant Owner

Leo Testimonial Ami Elsius Life Coach Spiritual Mentor Teacher TheAmiEffect

“I discovered meditation thanks to Ami, a very important turning point for me, and I don’t think it was by chance, at a really difficult time in my life. Ami managed to change the way I lived and perceived my negative experiences. She is competent, friendly, ready to listen and knows how to guide you into a state of mental well-being. Her meditation has changed my life and given me more balance, clarity and above all peace. Now I can handle everything with more calmness and therefore with more speed, as everything seems easier and clearer. I have finally found a reference point for my spiritual quest, which has always guided my life and now I feel at peace. I have gone through incredible physical and mental sensations and experiences, sometimes during meditation. Today I can’t imagine an everyday life without my time with myself, Thank you Ami Elsius”

Leonardo Ofria – Founder and Creative Director at Avenir Video & Photography

Miriana Testimonial Ami Elsius Life Coach Spiritual Mentor Teacher TheAmiEffect

“Ami, a wonderful person, I met her several years ago and I and I fell in love with her professionally. I can tell you that she has qualities that are rarely found today; affection, sincerity, spontaneity and depth. She has an incredible ability to deal with difficult times and with it also the ability to successfully pass it on to other people who are going through difficulties. For me, she has been, and is, a fantastic source of inner and professional development.”

Miriana Kondic – Broker and Travel Agency Owner

Testimonial for The Ami Effect - Avichai Arbiv - Operational Education Manager

“At times, even though I’m very solution-oriented, I got blockages. With Ami, I could be completely authentic, cry and express my emotions freely. Thanks to her, I got centred and collected, got myself out of those thought patterns and could look past my situation and identify what tools I have to handle my circumstances. I even had a spiritual experience, it’s as she gave me a little flutter with her wings. She’s extraordinary.”

Avichai Arbiv – Operational Education Manager

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