Uncover the disturbing global Fixation with Virgins

Uncover the disturbing global Fixation with Virgins

Uncover the disturbing global Fixation with Virgins

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The holy virgin

Frighteningly, many men around the world, through thousands of years are perversely drawn to female virgins. This is a trend that unfortunately continues today. Take the Catholic Church, for example, where saints are named priests / bishops / popes / religious / missionaries / martyrs / apostles / ” dottore della chiesa ” . Men are listed by name and title, while the female saints are first described as virgins, then by name and title. It gives the impression that the most important characteristic of female saints would be that they were virgins. Jesus’ mother has mostly become known for being a virgin (there are those who doubt it, given that she had a husband and gave birth to a child).

In Islam, it is the finest gift you can get in paradise, when you die there the noble” martyr death, 72 virgins. The requirement that women must be virgins when they marry is very widespread in Islam, but it is also very common in Bulgaria in India and in several other parts of the world. In 2007, at least 60 million women aged 20-24 were married before their 18th birthday. In other countries, it is estimated that more than every third woman has been / will be married off as a child. Indian actress Khushboo said in an interview: in 2005 “ – No educated man would expect his bride to be a virgin when they get married. ” That resulted in x people filing 22 police reports against her.


Sex with virgins to cure HIV

In South Africa, there is a horrible myth that says that if a man who has HIV has sex with a virgin, he will be healed. In the early 2000s, between 18-32 % of men believed in this myth, according to various surveys by health workers and UNISA (University of South Africa). This has contributed to hundreds of thousands of children, even babies, being raped every year. It is estimated that about 45% of all rapes in South Africa are of children. Gangrape is becoming more common. Interpol calculated that a woman born in South Africa has a greater chance of being raped than learning how to read.


When the whole family’s honor resides in the daughters vagina


How is it that it is so often perceived that the honor of whole families, around the world, has its place in the vaginas of its girls?

How is it that the world’s largest religion is largely based on the story that Jesus mother was a virgin?

Could it be that in the past when we were nomads and did not own any house or land, there was also no idea that men should “own their wives ” . Large groups of people worked, slept, cooked, walked and took care of the children together, side by side. It may not be so important who was the biological father of the children, if everyone took care of them together, if everyone received protection, food and attention from the whole group.

When we stopped and started cultivating the land instead, started building houses and owning a lot of things, then the “core family unit” became of central importance and the ownership of personal things. Each household was run as a company where the children were a great asset in terms of work. Hard work and large investments were behind the new lifestyle. The man did not want to risk that his wife would leave him alone, or that he would not be the father of his children, not after all the blood, sweat and tears he had shed. He thus came up with rules for marriage, a contract that would assure him, like a trade agreement or proof of ownership, that the woman and the children were his property. If the woman had had several sexual partners, he could not be completely sure that he was the father of her children, even if she had signed a contract and promised him. The only possibility to be completely sure, was if she was a virgin. To be sure that she was a virgin, she needed to come from a family that could guarantee that she was a virgin.

Relatives and families with a good reputation for producing genuine virgins got a good reputation and the price of their daughters went up.

If a man had spent a lot of money on making sure that his wife was indeed a virgin, only to then discover that she was already pregnant, it would be a disaster for him. He would at least make sure that everyone would know about the dishonest family who could not keep their daughter in check. I can imagine that such an episode would be enough to give the family such a reputation that no one would ever dare to buy more daughters from them again. Staying as a poor family with an unmarried daughter and an ” illegitimate” child to support could mean starvation for everyone, plus all future daughters who could be difficult to marry. Virginity thus became not only a lucrative commodity, but also a vital necessity for poor families.


Female genital mutilation to preserve virginity


Female genital mutilation is practiced today in 30 countries , in north – eastern Africa, especially in Somalia and Egypt, in parts of the Middle East, in parts of Asia and within certain immigrant groups in Europe, North America and Australia, it is to inhibit and control women’s sexuality. The reasoning is that if the woman’s main erogenous zones are removed, she will not be interested in having sex and will therefore not be tempted to get rid of her virginity before marriage and will not have the urge to be unfaithful during the marriage. Some genital mutilation procedures involve sewing up the vaginal opening so much that only urine and menstrual blood can drain out / or drip out, so that men can be extra sure that they are engaged, to a virgin. Loads of girls die from severe infections and heavy blood loss after having their clitoris, inner and outer labia cut off. Parents of these girls would rather risk their daughters dying a painful death, than risk that she would not be a virgin when they marry her off.

In these societies where female genital mutilation is a part of everyday life, honor -related murdersare also widespread. That is, premeditated murder of daughters / sisters / cousins / wives, if there is evidence or suspicion that they have had sexual intercourse before they were married, or were unfaithful during the marriage, in order to save the family’s honor.

The praised virgin and punishable whore

It is not just religious fundamentalists, backward looking traditionalists, HIV-infected rapists and sexist sex offenders who worship female innocence and hand out punishments to women who do not live up to it. From what I have noted, this fixation is noticeable in all walks of life, in all parts of the world; the idea that virgins are praised and sought after, but as soon as girls are seen as slutty, they must be punished. Despite the #MeToo movement and the fact that most countries are becoming more and more equal, this is not a declining trend, but unfortunately the opposite, is becoming more and more common.


Virgins to the highest bidder

 Young women and children who sell their virginity, or are forced to sell their virginity, to the highest bidder on auction, is very common all over the world and it’s unfortunate a persistent trend. Unicef has estimated that 150 million girls under the age of 18 have been forced into sex, globally, and in 2000 at least 1.8 million children were exploited in pornography and or in prostitution.

Virgins in western porn and the myth of the hymen


One of the most popular porn categories is really young girls who look innocent and inexperienced, preferably in school uniforms, where an adult man, who is often portrayed as a stepfather, brother, neighbour or teacher, shows the girls sex. It is common that when they are no longer virgins / seen as innocent, they become both verbally and physically abused. At times in gang bangs, sometimes with dicks or other objects depressed down the throat so that they vomit and then have to swallow their vomit, the head pressed down in the toilet when flushing, they are forced to drink glasses full of semen or pee, from dozens of different men. There are even whole porn categories called “facial torture” and “nose torture” where adult men stretch and stuff things, smear and hurt young girl’s faces, accompanied by deeply degrading remarks, while the girls cry and ask for help. The stretching and ripping of the anus and vagina is also a popular pornographic genre, where young women ‘s vaginas and anuses are exposed to extreme penetration (with several penises at the same time), whole arms and with various objects that are not made to be inserted into the cavities of the body). Leaving them emotionally and physically damaged for life, with tears, bleeding and prolapse, where internal organs fall down and curve out of the body openings. The risk of becoming infected with sexually transmitted diseases is also high.

I searched for “ innocent + virgin + games ” clicked on one of the search results, entered the same search word and got 32,600 results! These are mature men who “take the virginity ” of young innocent teenage girls (many deliberately look like teenagers and some even are). Both the films and games with titles such as “Scared virgin finally gives up” ” Innocent scout girl torn apart by stepfather” “Teacher takes the virginity of his young student” and with gynaecologist pictures of young girls’ vulvae “proving ” that they are virgins, that the “hymen ” is intact .

Gynecologists, sexual counselors and doctors know that the hymen does not exist , that it is just a myth, an idea, a fantasy, but surprisingly many, both men and women, are convinced that it exists. Like how an old man’s penis is slacker than a teenagers or how women’s breasts lose elasticity after one / several pregnancies (regardless of whether they breastfeed or not), the vagina also changes with age and vaginal childbirth. The reason why inexperienced girls bleed during penetration is because they are scared, tense and not excited. An aroused, willing vagina is very elastic and stretchable. For men who have difficulty understanding this, they can try to imagine what it would be like for a young inexperienced guy to have an erect penis, cucumber or dildo shoved up in his anus without lubricant, preparation or being the least bit aroused. Even he would burst and bleed. It is not possible to prove whether a young girl (who has not given birth and who has not been stretched for a long time) is a virgin or not by doing a gynaecological examination. On the other hand, there are gynaecologists who collaborate with fundamentalists and supply ” evidence of intact hymen “. Partly because the girls are made to believe that they can tell if they have had sexual intercourse and that they must tell the truth, partly because men should feel safe that they marry a real virgin and have not been deceived. Similar “evidence” is given during virgin auctions to make buyers feel that they are getting what they pay for. It ‘s a bit like believing in theSanta, we know he does not exist but we behave like he is real, we paint a picture of Christmas and Santa Claus, we prepare, have hopes, spend a lot of money and time and lie to our children for that we think it is a tradition worthy of preservation. A good friend of mine was examined by a gynaecologist from the Middle East who told her she was a virgin. My friend was then 30+ and had had many sexual partners through the years and said:

–No really I am not.

–It ‘s Ok, you can tell the truth, I see you ‘re a virgin. I know that it is not common to be a virgin at your age in Sweden, but don’t ashamed of it. You should be proud to be a virgin, said the gynaecologist.

Virgins in western porn and the myth of the hymen


One of the most popular porn categories is really young girls who look innocent and inexperienced, preferably in school uniforms, where an adult man, who is often portrayed as a stepfather, brother, neighbour or teacher, shows the girls sex. It is common that when they are no longer virgins / seen as innocent, they become both verbally and physically abused. At times in gang bangs, sometimes with dicks or other objects depressed down the throat so that they vomit and then have to swallow their vomit, the head pressed down in the toilet when flushing, they are forced to drink glasses full of semen or pee, from dozens of different men. There are even whole porn categories called “facial torture” and “nose torture” where adult men stretch and stuff things, smear and hurt young girl’s faces, accompanied by deeply degrading remarks, while the girls cry and ask for help. The stretching and ripping of the anus and vagina is also a popular pornographic genre, where young women ‘s vaginas and anuses are exposed to extreme penetration (with several penises at the same time), whole arms and with various objects that are not made to be inserted into the cavities of the body). Leaving them emotionally and physically damaged for life, with tears, bleeding and prolapse, where internal organs fall down and curve out of the body openings. The risk of becoming infected with sexually transmitted diseases is also high.

I searched for “ innocent + virgin + games ” clicked on one of the search results, entered the same search word and got 32,600 results! These are mature men who “take the virginity ” of young innocent teenage girls (many deliberately look like teenagers and some even are). Both the films and games with titles such as “Scared virgin finally gives up” ” Innocent scout girl torn apart by stepfather” “Teacher takes the virginity of his young student” and with gynaecologist pictures of young girls’ vulvae “proving ” that they are virgins, that the “hymen ” is intact .

Gynecologists, sexual counselors and doctors know that the hymen does not exist , that it is just a myth, an idea, a fantasy, but surprisingly many, both men and women, are convinced that it exists. Like how an old man’s penis is slacker than a teenagers or how women’s breasts lose elasticity after one / several pregnancies (regardless of whether they breastfeed or not), the vagina also changes with age and vaginal childbirth. The reason why inexperienced girls bleed during penetration is because they are scared, tense and not excited. An aroused, willing vagina is very elastic and stretchable. For men who have difficulty understanding this, they can try to imagine what it would be like for a young inexperienced guy to have an erect penis, cucumber or dildo shoved up in his anus without lubricant, preparation or being the least bit aroused. Even he would burst and bleed. It is not possible to prove whether a young girl (who has not given birth and who has not been stretched for a long time) is a virgin or not by doing a gynaecological examination. On the other hand, there are gynaecologists who collaborate with fundamentalists and supply ” evidence of intact hymen “. Partly because the girls are made to believe that they can tell if they have had sexual intercourse and that they must tell the truth, partly because men should feel safe that they marry a real virgin and have not been deceived. Similar “evidence” is given during virgin auctions to make buyers feel that they are getting what they pay for. It ‘s a bit like believing in theSanta, we know he does not exist but we behave like he is real, we paint a picture of Christmas and Santa Claus, we prepare, have hopes, spend a lot of money and time and lie to our children for that we think it is a tradition worthy of preservation. A good friend of mine was examined by a gynaecologist from the Middle East who told her she was a virgin. My friend was then 30+ and had had many sexual partners through the years and said:

–No really I am not.

–It ‘s Ok, you can tell the truth, I see you ‘re a virgin. I know that it is not common to be a virgin at your age in Sweden, but don’t ashamed of it. You should be proud to be a virgin, said the gynaecologist.

magazine 18

“Virginity is often the ideal of those who want to take it” 

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Virgins in Japanese porn


2019 ‘s most popular porn categories on Pornhub.com were Japanese and hentai (Japanese cartoon porn). Both Japanese porn with real people, anime and hentai are almost exclusively extremely degrading to women, where the woman is constantly objectified, being raped, often gang- raped, sometimes by monsters, robots, animals, family members or with various objects, severely beaten and violated. Young virgins often appear fighting against the abuse, but are often described as giving in ” after a little encouragement they like to be treated ruff, to be raped and offended, and as soon as they “taste a bit of cock they cannot resistant just want more.

In the less violent variants of cartoon Japanese porn, the female protagonist is often naive, childish and innocent, with disproportionately large eyes, very pale skin and huge breasts that do not seem to be affected by the law of gravity. (just as the 72 virgins have been described in the paradise of Islam) and a more experienced boy or mature man, (often in the role of her teacher or stepfather) shows her how things work.


 Sex dolls with frigid setting


 The evolution of sex dolls have come a long way. So much so that it is even difficult to tell the difference between a living human and a sex doll in a picture. Guess which look is most in demand. That’s right, Japan’s and Islam’s description of the innocent but sexualised young woman. It has become popular to order your doll with an “ innocent tight vagina” Dolls and robots can also be ordered with a so – called “ frigid ” setting , where they have been programmed to say things like:  “ No! I do not want to. ” “ Stop! ”  ” Please stop hurting me “

You can order dolls that look like little girls, who are only 140cm long dressed in school uniforms or scout uniforms, usually with unrealistically large breasts or childlike flat- breasted, but rarely with more common breast sizes.  


The abuse of virgins in computer games

In computer games, as in the classic fairy tales, the young innocent man / princess must be saved, but strong independent women must be punished. Sure, the protagonist can be cool and tough, be a great sniper and be an expert in martial arts, but she is sexualised and exploited. There is even a whole genre (a large and widespread genre) for violent sex games where you can even design the perfect rape”. You can choose which elements of violence, sexual abuse, necrophilia, or animal sex and incest you want to include in the simulated rapes.

All of these games involve men being sexually aroused by seeing women being raped, abused and tortured. The woman is objectified, sexualised, ” put in her place “, is controlled, taught and punished. Sexual abuse and violence is normalised. The message is that a woman’s feelings are not important, that she is not a living, feeling individual but an object to please the man, that her independence and her sexuality should be punished, that a no from a woman is not important because she does not mean it or can change, that when the woman says no so she does not know what she would miss about “ ” She does not understand whats best for her ” that the man has the answers and therefore needs to show her . Even if he would understand that she really, really means no, then according to him she might just deserve to be exploited and raped.


The sexualisation of virgins in film


In films, this message is so cunningly woven into the story that many do not even reflect on what it really means. Like Islam’s virgins in paradise and the women in Japanese cartoons, the mainstream media feeds on the myth of having a sexy virgin. Beautiful women with curvy bodies, who appear in revealing clothes or even completely naked, but who are virgins and completely unaware of their attractiveness and the effect they have on men. They are portrayed as naive children without any sexual experience or references, while they usually have some kind of supernatural power, strength or distinction. Although the woman often has “cool super-powers “, she is without a chance without the man’s protection, knowledge, control and guidance. The men in these movies are usually mediocre or even bad, but since the woman has nothing to compare with, she looks up to him. He shows her how the world works and how sex works. Because she lacks both the sexual, romantic, social and worldly references, she has nothing to compare with, no hopes or desires, is neither judgmental nor dismissive but is happy and grateful for what the man shows and does with her. The man who has previously had bad luck with love and women, is not interested in being with an equal, experienced woman who makes her own decisions. With the inexperienced, naive woman, whom he has the upper hand sexually and knowledge-wise, he finally feels safe, in control, special and masculine. He is, after all, the first man in the woman’s life, and thus automatically the “ best ” she has ever been with. He can relax, nothing is expected of him, he does not even have to try to be a better partner or lover.

In order not to make the underlying message too clear, the women are no ordinary young virgins but instead aliens, mermaids, magical fairy tale creatures, are created in an artificial way, is a computer program or grew up in a completely isolated place.

The whole idea of sexualising typically childish qualities, of wanting a child in an adult woman’s body, has undertones of pedophilia. Selling the cure for male insecurity, the fear of being rejected and humiliated, in the form of a female virgin, is both destructive, deeply disturbing and also counterproductive. The fact that female life experience is repeatedly portrayed as somewhat negative in the media and religion is both very tragic and extremely backward looking.

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